Mortgage Calculator Help
You can calculate the mortgage loan amount from the price of the real estate by providing the down payment percentage.
If you know the mortgage amount you can afford and the cash down payment percentage required, you can calculate the affordable real estate price.
Or if you know the price of the real estate and the loan amout and enter “0” for the down payment percentage, the calculator will calculate the down payment amount and percentage.
Points, Annual Property Taxes, Annual Insurance and Private Mortgage Ins. (PMI) are all optional. If you enter values, the periodic portion of each will be calculated and shown on the schedule. Property taxes and insurance are combined under escrow.
If a borrower does not have cash to cover at least 20% of the purchase price, some lenders will require the borrower to purchase private mortgage insurance (PMI) to cover against a possible default. Premiums are typically 0.5% to 2.0% of the original loan amount. The borrower can drop the insurance coverage once the mortgage balance is less than 80% of the original purchase price. The calculator handles this automatically. (There may be other conditions as well under which the lender will no longer require PMI. One such case might be apprciation of the real estate.)
Points are charges that are normally due at closing. Borrowers (normally only in USA) may select to pay a lender “points” up front in exchange for a lower interest rate. Points are expressed in percent and are calculated on the amount borrowed. 3 points on a $200,000 mortgage equals $6,000. If the user enters points, this calculator includes their value in the summary and as part of the total payment at loan origination on the payment schedule.
The term (duration) of the loan is expressed as a number of months.
- 60 months = 5 years
- 120 months = 10 years
- 180 months = 15 years
- 240 months = 20 years
- 360 months = 30 years
Need more options including the ability to solve for other unknowns, change payment / compounding frequency and the ability to print an amortization schedule? Please visit,
Retirement Calculator — calculate retirement age
This calculator easily answers the question “Given the value of my current investments and assuming future monthly investments of “X”, at what age will I reach my retirement goal?”
The user enters their “Current Age”, the “Monthly Amount Invested”,the “Annual Interest Rate (ROI)” (annualized Return on Investment one expects to earn) and “Amount Desired At Retirement”.
The calculator quickly calculates the user’s retirement age and creates an investment schedule plus a set of charts that will help the user see the relationship between the amount invested and the return on the investment. The schedule can be copied and pasted to Excel, if desired.
If you need a more advanced “Retirement Calculator” – one that calculates many more unknowns and one that calculates assuming retirement income and not a final lump sum then try the calculator located here:
Retirement Savings Calculator — calculate savings required to reach retirement goal
This calculator easily answers the question “Given the value of my current investments how much do I need to save each month to reach my retirement goal?”
The user enters their “Current Age”, there expected “Retirement Age”, the “Annual Interest Rate (ROI)” (annualized Return on Investment one expects to earn) and “Amount Desired At Retirement”.
The calculator quickly calculates the required monthly investment amount and creates an investment schedule plus a set of charts that will help the user see the relationship between the amount invested and the return on the investment. The schedule can be copied and pasted to Excel, if desired.
If you need a more advanced “Retirement Calculator” – one that calculates many more unknowns and one that calculates assuming retirement income and not a final lump sum then try the calculator located here:
The use of these calculators will produce simulations and statistical analysis that present the likelihood of various investment outcomes if certain investments are made in certain investment strategies or styles are undertaken, thereby serving as an additional resource to investors in the evaluation of the potential risks and returns of investment choices. These calculators uses user submitted data and mathematic operations, and has is limited to the accuracy of user provided data and assume constant future interest and tax rates. All results may vary with each use and over time. The calculators generate outcomes that are hypothetical in nature.
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