Our Articles

Should I Give My Kid an Allowance?
All good parents want to help their children succeed. In my role as a Certified Financial Planner™, that usually involves helping parents establish college savings plans or helping grandparents plan out larger gifts as part of their estate plan. A few month ago however, I met with a parent who asked about giving their child an allowance, and I didn’t have a great answer at the time. As opinions on the topic can vary widely from, “your allowance is me allowing you to live here” to “my daughter has an allowance of $1,000 a week, is that too small?”, I decided to list out everything a parent should consider when answering the question, “Should I Give My Kid an Allowance?”

Maximizing Your STRS, PERS, FERS, or Other Pension: Strategies for Retirement Success!
If you are participating in a pension and want to make the most of it, I’ve outlined a few things you’ll want to consider. Pensions play a significant role in securing your financial stability during the golden years. Whether you’re a teacher, a government employee, or a federal worker, pension plans like STRS (State Teachers Retirement System), PERS (Public Employees Retirement System), or FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System) provide a critical source of income post-employment. Here is what you need to know to maximize your pension.

The Best Financial Tool: Budgeting
As a Financial Planner, I often have to remind people that tools like investments, tax-planning, and insurance, can only go so far in securing your financial future. Instead, the by-far most important tool you have to meet your needs and prepare for your future is budgeting. But what exactly is budgeting?
Simply put, it’s the process of creating a plan on when and where to spend your money. This spending plan allows you to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or would like to do.

Three Things That Women Need From Their Advisor
Discover the unique financial challenges women face and the three main things they seek from a financial advisor: understanding, trust, and personalized planning. Dive into the importance of having an advisor who not only has expertise but also values empathy and clear communication, ensuring women navigate their financial journeys with confidence and clarity.

No one wants to be a burden to their family. With proper planning, individuals and families can prepare themselves for life’s changes, including death and

What You Need To Know About Changes To Your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
Our government recently passed an update to rules regarding RMDs as part of the Secure 2.0 Act. This could be a big change for you.

How Secure Is Your Financial Institution?
In light of the recent failure of Silicon Valley Bank, many people are questioning the strength of their financial institutions. I’m writing to give you

My Time As The Chamber Of Commerce President
After 2 years as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, I can honestly say it was a very rewarding experience. I love our community

Philanthropy & Charitable Giving
Philanthropy literally means “to love mankind.” Charity similarly means a Christ like “love of one’s fellows.” These two terms can be used interchangeably. Both are

Local Youth Returns To EDC To Work In Father’s Business
When I moved with my young family to El Dorado County in 2004, it was a big change and a leap of faith to leave

Why You Should Consider Investing In Municipal Bonds
Not only do you get tax-free returns from municipal bonds, but you also get to watch your community grow and improve!

Inflation Is Here, Now What Do We Do About It?
The US inflation rate has been skyrocketing and currently is over 7%.This means that while the amount of money you have stays the same, everyday items increase in cost.

Navigating which retirement program is best for your employees is confusing. That’s why I went ahead and explained everything you need to know about CalSavers (and other retirement programs) right here.

Why Non-Profits Should Work With A Fiduciary Asset Manager
Directors of non-profits can increase capital and free time if they work with a quality fiduciary asset manager.

The Three Main Reasons Clients Leave Their Financial Advisors
If your advisor doesn’t understand your financial goals, you need a new financial advisor.

Stop Loss Strategies and Quantifying Risk with Stock Options
I’ve used a stop-loss strategy to protect clients’ principal. This post will give you insight into our risk mitigation philosophies.

I sure hope you trust your financial planner! Trust is a critical component to any meaningful relationship.

How to Resolve Finances After a Family Death
After helping many clients to complete this process, I compiled this list of ideas and common problems to help during this trying time.

Managing Accounts for Tax Efficiency
by understanding the tax rules and using some discipline in your investment strategies, you likely can reduce your tax burden.

What are the Two Best Days of a Boat Owner’s Life?
The reality of RV and boat ownership is not always so glamorous.

Meatless Burgers Are on the Rise
Plant-based meat alternatives are on the rise and there are plenty of signs to prove it.

The Unlikely Story of How I Became an STRS Specialist
Life has a funny way of taking us to places we never planned to go or even knew existed.

Renewable energy sources have also been rising in popularity and use over the past several years.

Book Recommendation: Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan
Chris Hogan examines the characteristics of modern millionaires that most people had no idea about.

When sitting with his clients, Adam sees people, not numbers.

White Water Rafting and Investing
There is a look in their eyes that I recognize almost immediately as they approach the boat. It’s fear!

If you’ve ever watched footage of an angry bear attack, you can picture in your mind the giant paws swiping down through the air and onto the prey.

Spring is often a season of growth and change. That is certainly true at WealthGuard Advisors. We are happy to announce that our team will be growing
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